The writings…..

Beautiful feathered pen,a pot of ink,heavy wooden desk, off white paper hand made to perfection for smoothness…… elegant fonts and each word weighed to eternity…..

Antique writing desk with red feather quill pen and oil lamp



All, these were the dreams a way which i would’ve thought of myself as a writer, but every time I picked up a pen and a piece of paper to write down I would have set myself for a competition against a doc and might have lost to few of the doc for handwriting competitions!

Well hand writing wasn’t much of an inspiration to start with and the people around made it worse.

Why is our handwriting so bad? Handwriting speaks a man’s mind and portrays his character..? Really..?

I thought the thought’s are the reflection of a man’s mind and the hand writing was just a way of conveying or transmitting your thoughts into physical proof of your ideas and the faster the thoughts flow,purer the thoughts are and faster you write the letters tend to jump,font’s skip a beat and you end up with a work which is shabby!

Well, shabby to look at maybe! okay, not maybe certainly in my case! But the thoughts, the depth are worth it sometimes more than sometimes in my case the thoughts are true reflection the handwriting isn’t!

You’re argument is valid!

Yes my handwriting sucks so I say so…. But again…

Where do we all read and right and post these days..?


Your argument is invalid!

Thoughts count! Feelings count! Matters matter!!

Yes beautiful thoughts put in using beautiful handwriting leaves a beautiful impression,but on the net no one knows…

You’re a dog!

Go on pen…. Errr i mean type all the shit you want to, be care free let the world know your thoughts and not all but few will certainly appreciate it, over the years you yourself would either be refined to know how stupid you are or stupid enough to see how refined you were!

Happy blogging!

Love what you blog blog what you love!

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